Adam J Steele

Adam J Steele

Lonesome Hollow

Night has long since fallen….A blood moon rises in the west While the fire keeps it’s cracklingVigil over the mountain meadowLoneliness creeps inTo share with me the night Welcomed, we embraceMy faithful friendMany nights have we been kin The stars,…

Broken Silence

My daughter and I started the day as usual.With each day getting longer, our morning routine is a bit brighter.On our way out the door Bri had stopped dead in her tracks as I turned to shut the door.When I…

As Willows Weep

A heavy mist crept over the hillsThrough the oak ridge and pines….It settles low in the valleyAnd heavy on my mind….A somber brotherKin to the moonless night….A lonely loverWith no will to fight….Broken heartedHe lays his babe to sleep….And sits…

My Compass

Keep your heart and mind open.Find family in everyone.Live for the good of all people.Have a constant outstretched hand.Love without conditions.Listen to the heart, yours and others.Honor our Creator and Her creation.Think through stereotypes.Give more than you take.Be never a…

Clinging close

I need sometimes to just sit and write. to not worry about punctuation or grammar or spelling and just let flow the stream of consciousness I’ve been blessed with. I’ve noticed the bulk of my thoughts and feelings formed by…

Autumnal Lament

I can’t say what made me go out in the woods that day, barefoot and without my glasses. It was nearly dawn and the fog still lingered in the cove. The ground was covered in pine needles, soft and damp…

much that’s different …yet all the same

A crescendo of dictate forcesBuilding, swaying, titlingPraying …“don’t hang on, just let go”….Road ever passing, the river flows…. The dust that turns to ash that turns to sand that turns to glassThe clawing and pining….the past that’s behind meA broken…


She wears a mask …to present herself to the world…. Devil prone and prostrate before the thousand eyes watching, pining for weakness in a desperate attempt to squelch her own. Beyond the murmurs and bustling gathering, a voice dashes through…

Tomorrow’s coming…….

I guess it starts where it begins, and always seems to be coming back around again. The truth is, I’m fine, when fine is never enough. When all the forward progression ends up being just standing still, spinning round and…

breath you in….

I just want to create. I just want to spend the bulk of my day neck deep in creation, turning the whisper to light, the light to vision and the vision to reality. I want to carve and paint and…