
She wears a mask …to present herself to the world…. Devil prone and prostrate before the thousand eyes watching, pining for weakness in a desperate attempt to squelch her own. Beyond the murmurs and bustling gathering, a voice dashes through…

Tomorrow’s coming…….

I guess it starts where it begins, and always seems to be coming back around again. The truth is, I’m fine, when fine is never enough. When all the forward progression ends up being just standing still, spinning round and…

breath you in….

I just want to create. I just want to spend the bulk of my day neck deep in creation, turning the whisper to light, the light to vision and the vision to reality. I want to carve and paint and…

…the way I’ll go

It draws my breath and sends life coursing through my veins It’s a sparrow’s song at nightThe drip, drip, dripping, from the eveThe smile it passes as I throw words at it that fall shortThe trying in spite of the…


It’s funny to me now how we let boarders and skin separate us. How we draw lines and circles around what’s wrong and right and stand up for only the most becoming among them. Where does that leave us? What…

…The Tao of Infinity….

I remember as a child, having a certain disregard for things others thought were so grave and important. My cavalier approach to certain situations, situations involving a danger some people perceived as threatening, made others anxious. I would jump into…


His slumbering….His Heavy Breathing turns to smoke and flame…A daemon stirs in me His waking weighs heavy….I loath his inevitable wake of pain and regret…the struggle to lull the beast His eyes …balls of searing flameStare back at meThis whiskey…

…sun’s pardon

The sun’s nearly set and late evening’s long shadows and amber hue stretch deep into the woods. A few meet my steps. Hand hewn half timbers that lead to a gracious porch where timber trusses and a tin roof lit…

…Mucalinda Rising

Every Sunday my sisters and I went to Sunday school at the catholic church in town named after St. John Francis Regis. A choice not our own. Every Sunday school teacher I had would agree that I had a “behavior…